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2 commits

3 changed files with 88 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
all: flash
noiseplug.o: noiseplug.S
avr-gcc -Os -nostdlib -mmcu=attiny9 -o $@ -c $<
noiseplug.o: noiseplug.s
avr-gcc -Os -nostdlib -mmcu=attiny13 -o $@ -c $<
noiseplug.elf: noiseplug.o
avr-gcc -Os -nostdlib -mmcu=attiny9 -o $@ $<
avr-gcc -Os -nostdlib -mmcu=attiny13 -o $@ $<
noiseplug.hex: noiseplug.elf
avr-objcopy -O ihex $< $@
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ flash: noiseplug.hex
dump: noiseplug.elf
avr-objdump -Sr $< | less

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@ -5,21 +5,16 @@
.global __vectors
SREG = 0x3F
SPH = 0x3E
SPL = 0x3D
CCP = 0x3C
SMCR = 0x3A
CLKPSR = 0x36
TCCR0A = 0x2E
TCCR0B = 0x2D
TCCR0C = 0x2C
TIMSK0 = 0x2B
TIFR0 = 0x2A
OCR0AL = 0x26
PUEB = 0x03
PORTB = 0x02
DDRB = 0x01
PINB = 0x00
TIMSK0 = 0x39
TIFR0 = 0x38
OCR0A = 0x36
MCUCR = 0x35
TCCR0B = 0x33
TCCR0A = 0x2F
CLKPS = 0x26
PORTB = 0x18
DDRB = 0x17
LEADINIT1 = 1601
@ -43,40 +38,48 @@ LEADINIT2 = 3571
clr r16
ldi r17, 0xD8
out PUEB, r16
; this next three instructions of the code are sitting
; in the place of the vectors for interrupts 0, 1 and 2
; it doesn't matter because we are only using interrupt 3
ldi r30, 0x60
ldi r18, LEADSIZE
rjmp main_cont
.type __vector_4, @function
.type __vector_3, @function
push r16
in r16, SREG
push r16
lds r16,int_ctr
subi r16, -1
andi r16, 3
cpi r16, 5 ; count up to 5, not 4
brne no_overflow
ldi r16, 0
sts int_ctr, r16
pop r16
out SREG, r16
pop r16
.size __vector_4, .-__vector_4
.size __vector_3, .-__vector_3
clr r31
ldi r30, 0x40
st Z+, r16
sbrs r30, 5
rjmp clear_sram
ldi r18, 0x5F
out SPL, r18
out SPH, r16
; this is not really needed, but enable if it makes you feel better
;clr r16
; st Z+, r16
; ldi r19, 0x9F
; cpse r30, r19
; rjmp clear_sram
; the stack is automatically set up by the attiny13, but
; this next two lines do it if you still want to do it
; note that the attiny13 doesn't have a SPH, since it doesn't
; have that much memory anyway
;ldi r18, 0x9F
;out SPL, r18
ldi r18, LEADSIZE
sts lead1, r18
sts lead2, r18
sts lead3, r18
@ -89,24 +92,39 @@ clear_sram:
ldi r18, lo8(LEADINIT2)
sts lead3 + 3, r18
out CCP, r17
out CLKPSR, r16
; set clock divisor = 1, ~9mhz
ldi r17, 128
ldi r16, 0
out CLKPS, r17
out CLKPS, r16
; set portb0 and portb3 as output pins
ldi r17, 5
out DDRB, r17
ldi r17, 0x81
out PORTB, r16
; set pwm to fast pwm
ldi r17, 0x83
out TCCR0A, r17
ldi r17, 0x09
ldi r17, 0x01
out TCCR0B, r17
ldi r17, 1
out SMCR, r17
; enable sleep, idle mode and disable pullups
ldi r17, 96
out MCUCR, r17
; set interrupts
ldi r17, 2
out TIMSK0, r17
; enable interrupts
out TIFR0, r17
; YH and ZH never change
ldi r31, hi8(bassline+0x4000)
ldi r31, hi8(notes)
clr r29
; init i
clr r17
clr r18
@ -157,11 +175,11 @@ norestart:
; note = notes[bassline[bassptr]]
ldi r30, lo8(bassline)
add r30, r20
ld r20, Z
lpm r20, Z
ldi r30, lo8(notes)
add r30, r20
ld r21, Z+
ld r20, Z
lpm r21, Z+
lpm r20, Z
; if (bassbeat[(i >> 10) & 7]): note <<= 1
mov r22, r18
@ -170,7 +188,7 @@ norestart:
andi r22, 7
ldi r30, lo8(bassbeat)
add r30, r22
ld r22, Z
lpm r22, Z
tst r22 ; assuming this resets C
breq nobassbeat
rol r21
@ -219,7 +237,7 @@ noaddbass:
; arpptr(r30) = arpseq1[arpseq2[i >> 16]][(i >> 14) & 3]
mov r30, r17
subi r30, lo8(NULL-arpseq2)
ld r30, Z
lpm r30, Z
lsl r30
lsl r30
mov r20, r18
@ -229,12 +247,12 @@ noaddbass:
andi r20, 3
or r30, r20
subi r30, lo8(NULL-arpseq1)
ld r30, Z
lpm r30, Z
; if (!(i & (1 << 13))): arpptr >>= 14
sbrs r18, 5
swap r30
; arpptr = arpeggio[arpptr & 0xF][(i >> 8) & 1]
andi r30, 0xF
lsl r30
@ -242,19 +260,19 @@ noaddbass:
andi r20, 1
or r30, r20
subi r30, lo8(NULL-arpeggio)
ld r30, Z
lpm r30, Z
; if (!(i & 0x80)): arpptr >>= 14
sbrs r19, 7
swap r30
; note = arpnotes[arpptr & 0xF]
andi r30, 0xF
lsl r30
subi r30, lo8(NULL-arpnotes)
ld r21, Z+
ld r20, Z
lpm r21, Z+
lpm r20, Z
; arp_osc += note
lds r22, arposc
lds r23, arposc + 1
@ -262,7 +280,7 @@ noaddbass:
adc r22, r20
sts arposc, r22 ; keep r22 for later!
sts arposc + 1, r23
; if (!(i >> 17)): break arp
mov r20, r17
lsr r20
@ -273,7 +291,7 @@ noaddbass:
swap r30
andi r30, 3
subi r30, lo8(NULL-arptiming)
ld r20, Z
lpm r20, Z
; if (!((r20 << ((i >> 9) & 7)) & 0x80)): break arp
mov r21, r18
@ -324,7 +342,7 @@ noarp:
lsr r23
add r16, r23
out OCR0AL, r16
out OCR0A, r16
cbi PORTB, 2
rjmp mainloop
@ -392,13 +410,13 @@ getleaddata:
swap r30
andi r30, 0xF
subi r30, lo8(NULL-leadseq)
ld r30, Z
lpm r30, Z
swap r30
or r30, r23
; data = leaddata[leadptr]
subi r30, lo8(NULL-leaddata)
ld r24, Z ; r24 = data!
lpm r24, Z ; r24 = data!
; if (0 == leadtimer) {
com r25
@ -411,7 +429,7 @@ getleaddata:
lsr r30
andi r30, 7
subi r30, lo8(NULL-leadtimes)
ld r27, Z
lpm r27, Z
st Y, r27
; boosts |= boostmask
@ -426,8 +444,8 @@ noleadupdate:
ldi r30, lo8(notes)
lsl r24
add r30, r24
ld r21, Z+
ld r20, Z
lpm r21, Z+
lpm r20, Z
; leadosc += note
inc r28
@ -469,9 +487,9 @@ skiplead:
.org 0x300
.word -1, 134, 159, 179, 201
.word -1, 112, 133, 149, 167
.word 213, 239, 268, 301, 319, 358, 401, 425, 451, 477, 536, 601, 637, 715
.word 177, 199, 223, 251, 265, 298, 335, 354, 375, 398, 447, 501, 531, 596
.byte 14, 14, 18, 12, 14, 14, 20, 12, 14, 14, 18, 8, 10, 10, 4, 8

Binary file not shown.