/** * hermes antispam proxy * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Juan José Gutiérrez de Quevedo * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * @author Juan José Gutiérrez de Quevedo */ #include "Configfile.h" extern LOGGER_CLASS hermes_log; /** * default config * */ Configfile::Configfile() { %templ_default_values% } void Configfile::parse(string file) { ifstream f; char line[255]; int equalpos; LINF("parsing "+Utils::get_canonical_filename(file)+" configuration file"); f.open(file.c_str(),ios::in); while(!f.eof()) { f.getline(line,255); string l=Utils::trim(line); if('#'!=l[0]&&l!=""&&l.find("=")) { equalpos=l.find("="); string option=Utils::trim(l.substr(0,equalpos)); string value=Utils::trim(l.substr(equalpos+1)); //if(false==cfg.getBackground()) // cout << option << " -> " << value << endl; //this is a bit of a hack, but simplifies a lot this function #define PARSE_INT(x,y) if(x==option) y=Configfile::parseAsInt(value); else #define PARSE_BOOL(x,y) if(x==option) y=Configfile::parseAsBool(value); else #define PARSE_STRING(x,y) if(x==option) y=Configfile::parseAsString(value); else #define PARSE_LIST(x,y) if(x==option) y=Configfile::parseAsList(value); else %templ_parsevars% { throw Exception("Option \""+option+"\" with value \""+value+"\" is not recognized",__FILE__,__LINE__); } #undef PARSE_INT #undef PARSE_BOOL #undef PARSE_STRING #undef PARSE_LIST } } #ifndef WIN32 uid=Utils::usertouid(user); gid=Utils::grouptogid(group); #endif //WIN32 f.close(); } //again, this is a BIG HACK, but it simplifies code a lot #define GET_VAR(x,y,z) z Configfile::x(){ return y;} GET_VAR(getUid,uid,int) GET_VAR(getGid,gid,int) %templ_getmethods% #undef GET_VAR void Configfile::validateConfig() { #ifndef WIN32 //check if we are root if we want to bind to a port lower than 1024 if(getuid()!=0&&listening_port<1024) throw Exception(_("You can't bind to a port lower than 1024 without being root"),__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif //WIN32 #ifdef HAVE_SSL //check if ssl is usable if(!Utils::file_exists(certificate_file)) throw Exception("Certificate file "+certificate_file+" doesn't exist.\nTo generate a certificate look in hermesrc.example, there is an example there.",__FILE__,__LINE__); if(!Utils::file_exists(private_key_file)) throw Exception("Private key file "+private_key_file+" doesn't exist.\nTo generate a private key look in hermesrc.example, there is an example there.",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif //HAVE_SSL #ifndef WIN32 //check if chroot dir exist //TODO: check that files needed in chroot exist //for now only /etc/resolv.conf, but we're working on it :-D if(""!=chroot&&!Utils::dir_exists(chroot)) throw Exception("Directory "+chroot+" doesn't exist, can't chroot to it.",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif //WIN32 //check if we have submit_stats on but no user and password if(getSubmitStats()&&(""==getSubmitStatsUsername()||""==getSubmitStatsPassword())) throw Exception("You have configured hermes to send stats, but have not configured a username or password.\n" "If you don't have one, go to http://www.hermes-project.com and register there",__FILE__,__LINE__); #ifndef HAVE_SSL //check if we have activated submit_stats_ssl not having ssl activated if(getSubmitStatsSsl()) throw Exception("You have configured stats submission through SSL, but hermes was compiled without SSL support",__FILE__,__LINE__); #endif //HAVE_SSL } string Configfile::parseAsString(string str) { //remove "" round the string if('"'==str[0]) str=str.substr(1); if('"'==str[str.length()-1]) str=str.substr(0,str.length()-1); return str; } bool Configfile::parseAsBool(string str) { if("yes"==str||"on"==str||"1"==str||"true"==str) return true; else return false; } long int Configfile::parseAsInt(string str) { long int value; errno=0; //to know why we do this, read NOTES on strtol(3) value=strtol(str.c_str(),NULL,10); if(errno) throw Exception("Error parsing as int ("+Utils::errnotostrerror(errno)+")",__FILE__,__LINE__); return value; } list Configfile::parseAsList(string str) { list tmpList; string::size_type startpos=0,endpos=0,len; string tmpstr; str=Configfile::parseAsString(str); //remove quotes around string len=str.length(); while(startpos