#!/usr/bin/perl -w # this small script generates the Configfile class from the # Configfile.cpp.in and Configfile.h.in. this way when we want # to add a new option to the config file, we just have to put it # on Configfile.tmpl and automagically it will appear on our code # It will also generate an example hermesrc from the same info. # 2007-04-17 Now it also generates an html document for our webpage my $hvar=""; my $cppvar1="",$cppvar2="",$cppvar3="",$conf_example="",$htmlvar=""; open HTMLIN, "<../docs/hermes-options.html.in"; $htmltempl=join("",); close HTMLIN; while(<>) { chomp; if(! /^#/ && ! /^\t*$/ && ! /^\*/) { s/^\s+//;s/\s+$//; @_=split ","; my $camelcased=&camel_case($_[1]); my $type=$_[0]; $type="list" if($type =~ /list/); $hvar1.="$type $_[1];\n"; $hvar2.="$type& get$camelcased();\n"; if($type =~ /list/) { $cppvar1.="$_[1]=Configfile::parseAsList($_[2]);\n"; } else { $cppvar1.="$_[1]=$_[2];\n"; } $cppvar2.="PARSE_".uc($_[0])."(\"$_[1]\",$_[1])\n"; $cppvar3.="GET_VAR(get$camelcased,$_[1],$type&)\n"; $conf_example.="$_[1] = $_[2]\n\n"; my $htmltemp=$htmltempl; $htmltemp =~ s/%type%/$_[0]/; $htmltemp =~ s/%name%/$_[1]/g; $htmltemp =~ s/%default%/$_[2]/; $htmltemp =~ s/%explanation%/$htmlexpl/; $htmlexpl=""; $htmlvar.=$htmltemp; } else { if(/^\*clean\*$/) # clean restarts our htmlexpl contents { $htmlexpl=""; } else { if(/^\*/) { s/^\*$//; s/^\*/#/; $conf_example.="$_\n"; chomp; s/^#//; s/>/>/; $htmlexpl.="$_\n"; } } } } chomp $cppvar1; chomp $cppvar2; chomp $cppvar3; chomp $hvar1; chomp $hvar2; chomp $conf_example; open CPPIN, "<../src/Configfile.cpp.in"; $cppstr=join("",); close CPPIN; open CPPOUT, ">Configfile.cpp"; $cppstr =~ s/%templ_default_values%/$cppvar1/; $cppstr =~ s/%templ_parsevars%/$cppvar2/; $cppstr =~ s/%templ_getmethods%/$cppvar3/; print CPPOUT $cppstr; close CPPOUT; open HIN, "<../src/Configfile.h.in"; $hstr=join("",); close HIN; open HOUT, ">Configfile.h"; $hstr =~ s/%templ_privateattribs%/$hvar1/; $hstr =~ s/%templ_publicmethods%/$hvar2/; print HOUT $hstr; close HOUT; open RCEX, ">../dists/hermesrc.example"; print RCEX $conf_example; close RCEX; open HTML, ">../docs/hermes-options.html"; print HTML $htmlvar; close HTML; sub camel_case() { my $str=shift; my $outstr=""; for($i=0;$i