52 lines
1.4 KiB
52 lines
1.4 KiB
def count_adjacent(grid, line, seat):
adj = 0
if line > 0:
adj += grid[line-1][max(0, seat-1):seat+2].count("#")
# print(grid[line-1][max(0, seat-1):seat+2], adj)
if seat > 0:
adj += grid[line][seat-1:seat].count("#")
# print(grid[line][seat-1:seat], adj)
if seat < len(grid[line]):
adj += grid[line][seat+1:seat+2].count("#")
# print(grid[line][seat+1:seat+2], adj)
if line < len(grid) - 1:
adj += grid[line+1][max(0, seat-1):seat+2].count("#")
# print(grid[line+1][max(0, seat-1):seat+2], adj)
return adj
with open("input") as f:
content = [[y for y in x.strip()] for x in f]
new = last = content
changes = 1
for line in content:
while changes > 0:
last = []
for line in new:
changes = 0
for line in range(len(last)):
adjs = []
for seat in range(len(last[line])):
status = last[line][seat]
adj = count_adjacent(last, line, seat)
if status == "L" and adj == 0:
new[line][seat] = "#"
changes += 1
elif status == "#" and adj >= 4:
new[line][seat] = "L"
changes += 1
# print("".join(adjs))
# for line in new:
# print("".join(line))
count = 0
for line in last:
count += line.count("#")